
since 2014
Freelance Creative Director, Copywriter,
Corporate Designer, Web Designer, One Man Show

Founder & Partner
Clients: Lufthansa, Graef Rechtsanwälte, CR Investment Management, Hobsons, Protiviti, Catella Property Group, Technologica, Gabriela Jaecker Personalberatung, Hawk Investment Managers, Lavinias, Amianis, true5stars, Kinderneurologie-Hilfe Frankfurt Rhein-Main e.V., Christian Roth Eyewear
Projects: Audi, Bentley, Jaguar, Haribo, Stoxx, i&M Bauzentren, Trolli, Rothenberger, Gallery 21, PacePay, Volvic, Zespri.

Executive Creative Director,
Founding Member
Clients: Porsche, Focus, Focus Online, WK Wohnen, Viessmann, Maske AG, Greenpeace, Merz Spezial, Meggle, Harley-Davidson, WWF, Condor, Thomas Cook, Dresdner Bank, Boston Consulting Group, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Würth, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Caritas, Hansgrohe, Livinghouse.
Awards: Art Directors Club Deutschland, Art Directors Club New York, Autovision, Berliner Type, Clio Awards, Chicago International Film Festival (Gold, Silver & Bronze), Deutscher Preis für Wirtschaftskommunikation, Deutscher Wirtschaftsfilmpreis, Cresta, Die Anzeige, Die Klappe, Econ Award Unternehmenskommunikation, Eurobest, Gewinnende Werbung, Golden Award of Montreux, GWA Effie, International Automotive Advertising Awards, Jahrbuch der Werbung, Midas Award, Mobius Awards, Internationale Wirtschaftsfilmtage Wien, New York Festivals (Gold, Silver & Bronze), One Show, Red Dot Award, iF Design Award.

Clients: Fiat, Kellogg’s, Kraft General Foods, Procter & Gamble (Dash), Pillsbury, United Airlines, Wick.
Awards: Art Directors Club Deutschland, ADC Europe, Epica, Cresta, London International Advertising Awards (Grand LIA Award).

Clients: Bosch, Freiberger Pils, Bärenquell Pils, Fruit of the Loom, Singapore Airlines, Schering, Merck, Messer Griesheim, Kamill, British Tourist Board.
Awards: ADC Junior des Jahres, GWA Effie.